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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home alone (in car)

Since Zhirui's last fall from the high chair on a Daddy-less evening, I haven't had feelings of "ants on a hot pan" for some while.. until yesterday..

I was fetching Zhirui home from nanny's place as usual after work. The weather was wet and I had to carry Zhirui on one hand and hold the umbrella on the other. After managing her down onto the passenger seat, I didn't know why I did the following stupid thing: I gave Zhirui my car keys (to play).

Seconds odd after closing the passenger door, I heard a familiar 'BEEP' sound and the deadly 'shutting' sounds of the car locks.

OMG!.. Ya tou has locked the car!! I quickly pull the door handles and true enough and it was the worst I've imagined! How could I be so foolish? I could have known better that Ya tou loves pressing on my car remote key all this while..

I tapped frantically on the windows and signed her to press the unlock buttons on the keys. Think Zhirui got my idea and kept pressing on the button happily. "No Zhirui.. not the big button, press the smaller one.. the one beside." I pleaded her. But she just love the 'locking' button. I prayed hard that she won't drop the keys into some odd corners. There will still be hope if so.

My next resort is to get the spare key. Luckily my house is not far from nanny's. "Ok, will ask nanny to look after Zhirui as I go home to get the spare key." I thought. As these tots reeled thru my mind, Zhirui had dropped the keys onto the seat and moved to the driver's seat to play on the steering wheel.

"Wait a minute, but my home keys are in my bag, which is in the car!!" Oh nooo... So need to wait for SB to get home.. Will Zhirui suffocate in the car by then?!  (Negative breeds negative..).

I borrowed a handphone (hp was in my bag too) from a passer-by and tried calling SB. What can be worse? No reception, he's in the tunnel! Urghh....

Just at this darkest moment, I heard "shutting" sounds of the car lock again, but without a "Beep". As swift as my hands could, I reached for the car handles and pulled. "YES! Thank God! It's opened!"

Zhirui was standing on the passenger seat and stepping on the car keys. Believe her feet had pressed on the 'unlock' button. :)

Lesson learnt: I shall never to leave the car keys with Zhirui alone in the car. Phew...  


Marpig said...

OMG!! Sounds like a very "xxxciting" dae!! Guess u r too tired after work?


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