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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Little poet

Ya tou is progressing very fast in picking up her mother tongue. In fact, many people were awed by her accurate pronounciation of Chinese words.

Since young, Ya tou has been surrounded by recitals of chinese classics like 弟子规 (Standards for being a Good Student and Child)  , 三字经 (Three-worded classic), 大学 (The Great Learning), 朱子治家格言etc. We believe that drawing on ancient moral teachings to mould Ya tou's character is better than anything.

Seeing Ya tou's great advancement in speech, Daddy started to introduce Tang poems (唐诗) to Zhirui. By 18 months, she could recite Li Bai (李白)'s Thoughts in the Silent Night (静夜思). Now, Daddy is teaching her the "登鹳雀楼" by 王之涣 and 大学.

Really love listening to ya tou's sweet little voice reciting these great poems. :)

Some people might doubt the benefits & relevance of reciting ancient poems, besides the probable improvement to Chinese language. I too, have no real idea how this might be good to Ya tou's character development since she would not quite understand them. But what I do strongly believe is the energy. I believe there is good energy from these scriptures that can influence the reader positively. Something which I can only explained by this Chinese phrase "潛移默化". :)


Marpig said...

Ooh!! Brilliant!! If u dont noe (or havent read the bloggie entry in Marpigz blog) Marpigz mom used to teach Marpig lotsa 唐诗, 成语, etc. Even bought books on those as well as novels (Rem the novel u lent Marpig eons ago?! 三个A Cup 的女人?! hahahha) However, Marpigz mom didnt go as far as 三字经 or 大学 but being 熏陶 since young, Marpig am reading them when shez older now... *smiles*

Marpig firmly believe tt little Zhirui will not only be able to have a good grasp of mandarin, she will also understand the teachings/morals in time to come!! Marpig is an eg!! Muahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

Yes, I also believe that there is alot of benefit in imparting these classics to children--it is the moral values in them that when they look back and reflect in the future, they will slowly understand. And it is so much easier to let them memorise large chunks of new information now while their neural connections are forming--in fact i'd like to suggest that you read something called Mind Maps by Tony Buzan and see if they got anything suitable for kids. I read a book on it recently and it gave me a paradigm shift on how i had been studying all along--will apply it to my tcm studies so as to drill more material into my head when i study, hope the results will show soon! tian

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