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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dead fish

We had a few fish magnets on our fridge which always drew Zhirui's interests. The sight of these fish magnets will trigger off non-stop lugging on Mummy to get them down from the fridge. 
You know how children 'play' with things. Their only mode of play is to throw and see things break apart. haiz.. that goes the fate of the magnets. The fish broke off from the magnetic piece and could no longer be used.

I told Zhirui. "The fish has died." and she gave me a sad look and moaned. I was very surprised by her reaction and that she understood the word 'die'. I don't remember saying this word to her before. It seems that she could relate 'die' with something very bad and depressing. 

During one ESP lesson in Shichida, the children were asked to 'see' what's inside a cooking pot. The options given were a carrot, a vegetable and a fish. When asked to choose the object, Zhirui seems doubtful when her finger came close to the fish. When teacher asked, "is this your final answer?", she changed her mind and hit on the vegetable. The answer revealed. It was a fish inside the cooking pot. Good try Zhirui! :)

But I wondered why she did not choose the fish. She usually scored full marks in ESP. hmm.. could it be because it was a dead fish??


海底的艺术照 said...
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Mummy's Love said...

Yes my dear marpig, I believe so. We have this conscience in us which is pure and kind. In very young children like Zhirui, she acts according to her conscience. But as we grow up, we are taught to judge and differentiate things. That's when people becomes complex and confused. That's where fan2 nao3 (worries) comes in. Therefore the enlightened Hui Neng said '本来无一物,何处惹尘埃'
Btw, thanks for reading my blog! :)

Marpig said...

Sorry Sansao!!

Deleted the comment cos others are able to trace to Marpig!! A silly mistake on my part. omg omg omg!! :P

*deleted comment is as below*

"Talk bout human conscience... from the above, seems like conscience are in us since birth...?

Marpig always likes this saying, "菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃"

Could it be tt all of us have the ability from young to 意识到 watz right and wrong, good and bad?"

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