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Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy feet

What's the definition of swimming?? Loosely speaking, it is the active movement in water, carried out by animals (i believe in all cases?).

To little ya tou, she took on a broader perspective- anything moving in the water is swimming. hehe.. So you'll hear her say this when she scoop some rice into her soup- "Mummy, rice swimming." I'll smile at her when she say this.

Ya tou, like me, does not like to be wet. Hmm.. no wonder my amniotic fluid was low during pregnancy.. :) She will protest against showering her hair everytime. So i've not been optimistic about her going swimming...

Strange as it can be.. she has been telling us she wants to go swimming, usually after finding her swimming float (while ransacking her cupboard) or passing by the swimming complex along the way to Granny's house.

Well so we granted her wish a month ago. We went to Yishun Safra but were turned away as we were not members. To not disappoint her, we detoured to Yishun swimming complex. After dedressing her bare to a just piece of panty, Daddy took her towards the children's pool. This was the beginning of a 40 minutes coaxing of Zhirui to step out of her comfort zone (the wide-spaced steps leading to the pool). She hovered between the first and second steps, refusing to go further. Daddy lured her in by playing throw-and-catch game with her float, which finally succeeded!

Once she's into the pool, she began flitting about with her float like a hummingbird. Zhirui, well done in conquering your 'self-perceived limitation'! I was not happy to tears, but was definitely beaming with joy and clicking my shutters away to capture the great moment. haha.. :D

During the second trip to the pool, that was just a week later, she took just 10mins to condition her mind.

And during the last trip, when I joined her, she didn't need any conditioning. Way to go!

Ahh.. The joy of being parents, part of it, is helping your child to be a better person than the day before and at the same time, be a better parent than the day before.


Marpig said...

Wow!! Super mom and dad @ work again!! *thumbs up*

Dont think you need Marpig to teach Ya Tou to swim now right?! hahahaha diving and cycling leh?! :D

Really like yr philosophical last paragraph, so meaningful!! Really really!!

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