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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Change for the good.. new year

2010 is genuinely a new year for ya tou as two new changes took place.

First, we transferred her to Shichida school and class started last Sunday. It wasn't our first time to the centre but it looks daunting that day. Hmm.. not sure if it's the 'kiasu parent' syndrome playing tricks, but when you see the swarm of parents filling every space in the centre and babies as young as 3 months old waiting to enter the classrooms, you can't help but feel overwhelmed, or should I admit it.. scared!! I shall not deny this fear may be the manifestation of the kiasu mentality within me. haha.. so much of a unique parent who wants to bring up her child in unique ways.. :( But still, I'm always reminding myself not to let this 'kiasuism' morphed into ugly forms of 'selfishness' or 'competitiveness'.

So much so of my internal struggles.. back to ya tou's first day at Shichida.

Our teacher is Joanna. She is a cheerful and energetic young lady. Contrary to her first day at LNT, ya tou spent much of her time exploring the room at Shichida. During the lesson, she kept picking up the boxes on the floor and bringing them to me (the boxes are for the phonics game). haha.. instead of scolding her, I thanked her. Ya tou did well for the ESP section. She was able to guess correctly the caterpillar hiding inside the watermelon and the rubbish can with sound. What's more, she didn't took long to answer. Good job Zhirui! It was a pleasant surprise! The phonics game was fun too and ya tou did excellent. 

Second, Zhirui has got a new nanny. Zheng tz and family loves Zhirui alot and takes care of her well. SB and I are just worried ya tou may get spoiled becos of the new-showered love and ardor. So we communicated with tz on our discipline standards so that ya tou does not receive conflicting treatments. :)

For the first few days, we notice she's more irritable when she got home. Sort of deduce that it's due to the change in environment. We are still making observations and she settle down and get back to her usual self.

Together with this switch, we are blessed with the joy of having home-cooked dinner after work. Tz has agreed to cater our dinner. Now I'm always looking forward home for the homely dinner spread. :)


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